Monday, January 6, 2014

Morning Report: Ministry Team

This year I'm doing a bit of multi-tasking as I was assigned to the media and ministry team. I've been asked if I want to be reassigned to just one team, but so far I'm enjoying the extra challenge of managing my time to fit everything in. Haha. This morning we had about an hour of downtime, so I blogged then, before running off to the ministry meeting. For the morning I was assigned to a team with a couple other people to go canvass a nearby neighborhood. It was quite chilly and we were all glad to come back for lunch to warm up! : ) When leaving Rockford, I wasn't sure how the trip would go, so I figured I should just wear my winter coat in case I had to be outside for some reason. This has turned out to be a blessing as I'm making full use of my coat, gloves, and scarf in the near-zero temperatures here at Lakeshore. : )

As Pastor Don was telling us this morning in the ministry meeting, the church's transition into a new phase of ministry has brought with it God's blessing. With the near completion of the new building, the church's influence is growing beyond Lakeshore proper. Pastor Don and the congregation have been burdened with a desire to reach the greater community of Hancock County. Pastor Don shared with us some of the potential opportunities the church has to share the Gospel in the community, but the enormity of the task seems daunting. The words of Jesus in Matthew 9.37 certainly apply, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few."So in this week, the ministry team is here to provide extra laborers to come alongside the church in reaching out to the community.

I'll share a couple brief prayer requests and then will post more later.

Please be praying for God's protection over our work in this cold weather, especially for those who are outside for a prolonged time, such as the construction crews. There are also potential problems that come with this weather, such as freezing pipes, so please pray that God would intervene and keep us from any additional issues.

Please pray for the work of the ministry team and that God would use our efforts this week to grow His kingdom in the Lakeshore community. Pray for wisdom and grace that we would be strong witnesses for the Lord and clearly present the Gospel in our interaction with others.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Savannah, for multi-tasking this year. Sheri and I are praying for you and all of the other faithful laborers there this year. You mentioned in another post that the Lord advances His kingdom in His way. We would love to be there with you, but are here praying for you all as we tend to Sheri's bronchitis. Last night was her best night of sleep for a week.

    May the Lord continue to give you all grace to work through the cold as you pray that the Lord will melt hearts of stone and give them a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ our risen reigning Lord.
