Monday, January 9, 2012

Larry's Blog Post for Sunday, January 8th

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

The Lord’s Day experience will be difficult to put into words.  The Lord indeed smiled upon his people in extraordinary ways.  In past years, he tested our endurance and fortitude with difficult weather and its attending problems.  Those trials served to unify us as we strove to overcome.  We wouldn’t change those experiences.  This year the Lord has changed his methods and decided, in his love, to grant us a superbly perfect day with a gentle breeze.  This blessing set the stage to absolutely enjoy every aspect of the day.  The warmth and pleasantness of the day seemed to bolster the corporate joy we possess in Christ. The Lord often gives us seasons of difficulty with threatening skies, but there are unique occasions when, in his infinite wisdom, he sweeps those clouds away and bathes his people with the sunshine of his grace.  Although the weather was wonderful for brightening the spirit, the primary means of grace for the day was the great preaching we received.  Pastor Doug VanderMeulen delivered sermons to both our group and the Lakeshore Baptist Church regular morning service.  The first sermon was from Titus 2:14 regarding being zealous for good deeds.  We have been given the grace to do good works, therefore we need to be prepared.  We need to be “provisioned” toward the potential opportunities on the horizon, not looking back and saying, “Oops, I should have offered a cup of cold water.”  A word Pastor Doug used was to be “fixated” on good works.  In the second sermon he opened up the Lord’s Prayer and related passages on the theme that God’s will is not an option.  This was one of those sermons that was opened in a fresh way to reveal a concept that is as basic as they come.  How do we discern correctly our path of righteousness daily?  Pastor Fred Malone held a seminar regarding the work of the deacon for two hours in the afternoon.  Although I’ve served as a deacon for many years, he brought fresh insight to my mind regarding the office, character and influence of the deaconate.  Several members of Lakeshore Baptist Church also attended this seminar.  This was very helpful as the church is considering whether there are men who are qualified to serve in this capacity.  Pastor Fred concluded the evening with a passionate and devotional sermon about Jesus Christ, the servant.  It is a sermon better heard than explained.  In its essence Pastor Fred depicted Christ as a man who was full of love and grace towards his fellow man.  He served them.  When he washed the disciples feet he didn’t primarily do it as an example for the apostles and all those disciples that would follow.  He did it because their feet were dirty.  He saw a simple need, humbled himself, and served his brothers in love.  He was the picture of selflessness.
Before long there will be excerpts from the sermons posted on the blog and full versions made available later for distribution.

As I write, we are experiencing another gorgeous day.  The work crews are in full mode.  It’s a gloriously noisy place.  The visitation teams are hitting the streets and knocking on doors.  This kitchen crews are creating culinary masterpieces.  Laszlo is maintaining discipline and good order.  Life is great!

One of the highlights for today will be the projection of the National Championship game tonight at the Mercy House.  Don’s brother is hooking up a high tech venue for the game.  The LBC congregation is invited to join us.   This is LSU country, so Bama fans will be given an IPAD and can watch the game out on the porch.  The brothers from Bible Chapel up in OSU country have graciously offered to provide refreshments representing the Big 10 Conference.  It takes a lot of sanctification for Ohio State fans to swallow their pride and they are to be commended.  This football event will be another first in our project history.  I don’t know what it is, but there is something about football, Baptists and fellowship that’s  just right.

Larry Springer

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