Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Please Pray With Us

We were just dismissed from the evening prayer service and I wanted to share with you some of our petitions from this day.

In praise, the Lord held off the rain through this day. It threatened rain several times, but it did not actually happen. It sprinkled over at the Pike St. project, but just as the sheet-rock arrived, the rain stopped so that the workers could transport the sheetrock inside, so hallelujah for that!

There was also a time of crisis this afternoon as the foundation crew negotiated with the piling contractors to receive the correct paperwork to satisfy county code. Pastor Don and Pastor Mitch worked out a creative solution to resolve this situation in order for the project to move forward on schedule, praise the Lord for that!

As another praise to the Lord, the demolition of quonset hut Mark was successfully and safely completed. I had not realized until today what a potential problem this could have been, with standing water under the structure, electrical cords, nails, rotten wood, well, you get the point. But this was done without any injuries, so thank the Lord!

Please continue to pray....

That though the weather forecast includes a chance of rain tomorrow and Thursday, the Lord would intervene and prevent it from raining, at least through tomorrow. At 8pm, as I write, there are still people out on the foundation preparing the area for pouring concrete tomorrow. Pray for their safety as working this late there is a higher chance of accidents. We have been told that someone from the county will be here at 10am tomorrow to provide approval for the foundation. It is crucial that this happens, so pray that the person will arrive on time and that we would not be delayed. Pray for the workers tonight, pray that the pouring tomorrow would be successful. Pray that the Lord will bless the next few days and give us propitious weather for the work.

Pray for those at the Pike St. work and thank the Lord that they have finished the electric wiring and plumbing and will be able to start on the sheet-rocking tomorrow.

The week is going well, but there is much left to do and there is a growing sense of urgency as each day goes by. So please pray with us that the Lord would continue to be gracious in answering our prayers and allow us to finish all that we hope for this week.

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